George Washington sensed the fingerprints of God

Washington sensed the fingerprints of God in the American Founding.

Pray AmericanDNA newsletter

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kingdom Friend,

Thank you for agreeing in prayer! This week, we draw prayer inspiration from the words of George Washington in his first inaugural address as the first American president — “providential agency.”

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P.S. Billy Graham and Spurgeon's example for election and political engagement

George Washington, First Inaugural Address in 1789

Pray AmericanDNA newsletter

No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.

George Washington, First Inaugural Address

Fingerprints of God in the Founding

America’s first president wasn't just a military strategist or a political figurehead. He was a man of courageous faith who recognized God at work in the birth of the new nation.

As the fledgling United States broke free from the iron grip of the British Empire, Washington sensed the FINGERPRINTS OF GOD at every step.

When he stood to deliver his first inaugural address, Washington didn't just speak of policies and plans. He boldly acknowledged the Almighty as the true architect of American independence.

It was a moment that set the tone for a nation founded on the principles of faith and freedom.

Fast forward to today — 248 years later. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, Washington's wisdom still resonates. We find ourselves once again looking to that same divine providence, recognizing that the preservation of our unique republic requires more than mere human effort.

Pray AmericanDNA newsletter

George Washington's first inauguration was at Federal Hall, New York City

Pray AmericanDNA: Providential fingerprints

Pray AmericanDNA newsletter

George Washington sensed the fingerprints of God in the American founding

We can draw on America's founding prayers, covenants, documents, and early experiences as "prayer architecture" for today. Adapt the prayer language below to your voice as the Holy Spirit guides you. Draw prayer inspiration from the words of George Washington in his First Inauguaral Address.

⭐️ Invisible hand. Father God, we say with Benjamin Franklin that we will remember our “Friend” in our founding. We acknowledge and adore your hand in our affairs as a people. We love your fingerprints on earth.

⭐️ American invocation. We invite, even more, we invoke your “providential agency” every step of the way as the American Story unfurls. We celebrate your rule over the nations. Guide us. We embrace the Lordship and Leadership of King Jesus.

Father, we believe in our heart that we have received, and we count it done in faith. We are grateful. Amen — may it be established.

To do:

 Follow through: Take your phone or tablet into your prayer space and pull up this email. Let’s make every word count!

 Prayer groups: Engage agreement prayer with partners or in your prayer group. Increased leverage.

 We value people of prayer: Share this newsletter with others. We’re joining with many others in a rising American Prayer Tide!

Current American prayer pulse

💓 Pray for the integrity of national, state, and local elections. Insist in faith that the election will occur this fall and that nothing will stop it. Stand in faith against political violence.

💓 Even now, pray that God will sway the judgment of the American body politic and that his design will be realized on American soil as it is in heaven.

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Brian Del Turco
[email protected]