Freedom blind spot

Do Americans understand their rights and freedoms?

Pray AmericanDNA newsletter

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Kingdom Friend,

Thank you for agreeing in prayer! This week,

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⬇️ P.S. — PragerU video (5-minutes) Is Maoism Coming to America? and JosephZ video Stopping Witchcraft in America.

Pray American DNA newsletter

The socialist movement, driven by a desire to "fundamentally change America," often repeats the mantra, "we have to do the work." This is a central theme for them.

It’s different for us. Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”

While true prayer leads to meaningful action, the heart of serving God is found in Spirit-led prayer itself. Everything fruitful and lasting flows from that dynamic core.

Podcast episode — Will America Experience its full destiny? (Ep 231)

Pray American DNA newsletter

Click the play button to hear it now, or search Jesus Smart X on your favority podast app.

America stands apart in world history, an "experiment" unlike any other. It’s a nation not shaped by ethnic origins or monarchies, but by lofty ideals—the "Laws of Nature and Nature's God." Our unalienable rights come from the Creator, not from man or government. Could America now be on the brink of a Third Great Awakening?

Blind spot on freedom: ignorance of First Amendment

Pray American DNA newsletter

I’m writing this week’s Pray AmericanDNA newsletter on Tuesday, September 17. It just happens to be Constitution Day, a national observance celebrating the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.

It’s marked each year on September 17, honoring the moment in 1787 when delegates gathered in Philadelphia to sign the document that would shape the nation’s future.

The Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey (University of Pennsylvania) found that less than half of Americans can name most of the rights protected under the First Amendment.

First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Pray AmericanDNA: Americans “re-minded” of their rights and freedoms

Pray American DNA newsletter

We can draw on America's founding prayers, covenants, documents, and early experiences as "prayer architecture" for today. Adapt the prayer language below to your voice as the Holy Spirit guides you.

⭐️ Father, we thank you for the “inalienable rights” you have given us. Grace us to steward these rights in a way that honors you.

⭐️ Holy Spirit, give Americans, including new legal immigants, a love of freedom and a desire to know American DNA. “Re-mind” us of our rights and freedoms.

⭐️ Empower us to faithfully exercise all of these rights you have given, Father.

⭐️ Grace us to communicate with others about these rights.

Father, we believe in our heart that we have received, and we count it done in faith. We are grateful. Amen — may it be established.

To do:

 Follow through: Take your phone or tablet into your prayer space and pull up this email. Let’s make every word count!

 Prayer groups: Engage agreement prayer with partners or in your prayer group. Increased leverage.

 We value people of prayer: Share this newsletter with others. We’re joining with many others in a rising American Prayer Tide!

Current American prayer focus

🦅 Father, we call on your protection over all political candidates, especially former President Trump, because of the 2 assassination attempts on his life this political season.

🦅 Pray for the integrity of national, state, and local elections. Insist in faith that the election will occur this fall and that nothing will stop it. Pray over the aftermath of the election. Rise in faith against political violence.

🦅 Steadfastly pray that God will sway the judgment of the American body politic and that his design will be realized on American soil as it is in heaven.

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Brian Del Turco
[email protected]

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