Contending for American independence

We maintain America's declaration of freedom.

Wed, July 31, 2024

Kingdom Friend,

I hope you’re strong and doing well! This week, we pray for vision and courage to maintain the American Declaration, and support and defend the United States.

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“I can see rays of ravishing light and glory”

Pray AmericanDNA newsletter

Thomas Jefferson and the drafting committee presenting the finished Declaration to the Second Continental Congress for approval. John Trumbull’s1819 painting.

The 56 signees of the Declaration of Independence knew what they risked. Britain was the world super power of the day.

To the British, this was treason, punishable by hanging. The signees understood they were signing their death warrants if the separation of the American colonies from Britain was not successful.

William Ellery, a delegate from the colony of Rhode Island, later said he did not see fear on anyone’s face as he approached the desk to sign.

John Adams is depicted on the far left of the drafting committee in the painting above. George Washington is at the desk.

I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means.

John Adams, in a letter to his wife, Abigail, on July 3, 1776

🧬 Pray American DNA — “ravishing light and glory”

Pray AmericanDNA newsletter

We can draw on America's founding prayers, covenants, documents, and early experiences as "prayer architecture" for today. Adapt the prayer language below to your voice as the Holy Spirit guides you.

We use words from John Adam’s letter to his wife, Abigail, as prayer phrasing:

⭐️ Count the cost. Father in heaven, give us an abundant heart to count the cost of maintaining the Declaration of America’s freedom. Strengthen our resolve. Reset our will. Empower us to maintain the Declaration. July 2 newsletter: “Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world.”

⭐️ Defend the USA. We take our stand in faith and defend the United States of America. Give us discernment. May your will be done on American soil.

⭐️ Light and glory. We look beyond our current struggle and via faith see the rays of your light and glory throughout our land.

Father, we believe in our heart that we have received, and we count it done. We are grateful. Amen.


 Follow through: Take your phone or tablet into your prayer space and pull up this email. Let’s make every word count!

 Prayer groups: Engage agreement prayer with partners or in your prayer group. Increased leverage.

 We value people of prayer: Share this newsletter with others. We’re joining with many others in a rising American Prayer Tide!

Prayer on the American pulse

⭐️ The institution of the Supreme Court is under spiritual attack. Uphold the justices and the Court. IFA article.

⭐️ Pray for the integrity of national, state, and local elections. Insist in faith that the election will occur this fall and that nothing will stop it. Stand in faith against political violence.

⭐️ Even now, pray that God will sway the judgment of the American body politic and that his design will be realized on American soil as it is in heaven.

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Brian Del Turco
[email protected]