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How the Pilgrims' journey can inspire America's renewal today.

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Wed, July 10, 2024

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!תוֹדָה That’s ‘thank you!” in Hebrew. — Brian Del Turco

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How the Pilgrims' journey can inspire America's renewal today

Leader, William Brewster

The Pilgrims on the Mayflower endured 7 weeks of storms crossing the Atlantic. When they finally saw land, they prayed and discussed their next steps.

Blown hundreds of miles north of their planned destination, they found themselves near Cape Cod instead of the Hudson River in the northern most part of the Virginia Colony.

Leader William Brewster gathered John Carver, William Bradford, and Edward Winslow, asking, “What is God speaking to you?”

After praying and meeting with the Pilgrims, they believed God was guiding them to Cape Cod. It was 1620, 13 years after the first expedition landed at Cape Henry in 1607.

Settling outside Virginia's colony, they weren’t under its charter. They realized they needed to form their own government. (More on this in next week’s newsletter.)

William Bradford said (paraphrased), “Brothers, I know why God wanted us to return to this bay. He didn’t want us to settle in Virginia because he doesn’t want us to be governed by Virginia’s charter. He wants to do a new thing — He wants all men to see what He can do with a people who totally rely on Him for everything — including their government.”

Let’s pray — sovereign guidance for America

We can use America's founding prayers, covenants, and documents as "prayer architecture" for today. We can also draw prayer fuel from the faith and experiences of those God used to shape America.

⭐️ Father God, thank you for bringing new beginnings through trials and storms. We look for your work, even in the face of resistance in our time.

⭐️ We trust your sovereignty over America. We invoke the Leadership and Lordship of the Lord of All.

⭐️ You know how to guide and answer our prayers for America in the best way and timing. Even when we’re confused by events, we continue to trust you. We affirm in faith that time will reveal more of your perspective.

⭐️ We praise you for your dominion and sovereign activity in America! Thank you.

Amen — Father, we believe in our heart that we have received, and we count it done. We are grateful for your works in America.

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Hey, this is Brian! I love reading the 1440 newsletter. The name is a nod to the year 1440, when the printing press was invented, revolutionizing knowledge sharing.

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Brian Del Turco
[email protected]