Otherworldly security

Wed, July 17, 2024

Kingdom Friend,

Thanks for your engagement in prayer. The American Church will not save America. It’s the Praying American Church that will (a Church within the Church).

See the new ‘Resources to go further’ section. ⬇️

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Otherworldly security

Washington the Soldier by Reǵnier (1834), depicting Lt. Col. Washington on horseback during the Battle of Monongahela in the French and Indian War

We can use America's founding prayers, covenants, and documents as "prayer architecture" for today. We can also draw prayer fuel from the faith and experiences of those God used to create and shape America.

On July 9, 1755, George Washington, a 23-year-old volunteer aide to General Edward Braddock, fought bravely in the Battle of Monongahela at the beginning of the French and Indian War (1754-1763).

Although the battle was a devastating loss, Washington survived. He was fearless under fire. Two horses were shot out from under him.

After the battle, Washington noticed a strange tear in his jacket. He took it off and found a bullet hole. Upon closer inspection, he discovered three more bullet holes, but he didn't have a single scratch on his skin!

Four bullets pierced Washington's coat but missed his body completely!

A Native American chief witnessed President Washington’s survival of the deadly battle and said, "He will become a chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the Father of a mighty empire."

OTHERWORLDLY SECURITY: God sovereignly protected George Washington. He later served as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolution (1775-1783), presided over the Constitutional Convention in the summer of 1787, and became the first president of the United States in 1789.

Agreement prayer — otherworldly security over this election season

⭐️ Father, command Your angel armies to protect presidential candidates and all others involved in the election process from violent acts and intentions.

⭐️ Father God, we ask that the election in November proceed as scheduled, without any disruptions. Grant us order and peace throughout this process. We submit to God and stand against the Adversary (James 4.7).

⭐️ Via ifapray.org: “Father, we thank You for the clear evidence of Your protection over Donald Trump last Saturday … We pray for a dome of protection over every event and convention and every candidate, in this election season. May Your Divine Hand restrain and nullify every violent intention and act. We pray that our election season will be as much a season of choosing You as it is choosing a new president. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Amen — Father, we believe in our heart that we have received, and we count it done. We are grateful for your works in America.

Take your phone or tablet into your prayer space and pull up this email, or download and print for easy access. Let’s make every word count!

Resources to go further 🦅

Top 5 things the Left gets wrong about Project 2025 (Intercessors for America). An effort of a broad coalition of more than 100 conservative organizations working together to ensure a successful new presidential administration begins January 20.

The Left’s freak-out over Project 2025 means ‘We’re right over the target,’ Heritage Chief says (The Daily Signal)

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Brian Del Turco
[email protected]