Pray America's Covenant (1607)

Wed, June 19, 2024

5 prayer focus points based on “America’s Covenant.” ⬇️ 

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America’s Covenant

Rev. Robert Hunt, Cape Henry, 1607

Not everyone who came to America starting in 1607 was God-fearing. Some sought wealth, power, and freedom from their past lives.

But many, like Anglican priest Robert Hunt, came for a higher purpose—a land dedicated to God's Kingdom.

Commissioned by King James I, the English monarch behind the 1611 King James Bible, Hunt set out to establish a new Christian church and share the message of salvation with America's native tribes.

On December 19, 1606, Hunt left his family in England and joined the Virginia Company expedition as chaplain.

In the freezing December of 1606, he was among the 105 colonists who set sail for the New World aboard three small ships on the River Thames.

This voyage led to the founding of Jamestown, Virginia, the first English settlement in the New World.

We will discover much more in these newsletters. There will be a website too.

From God’s point of view, covenants and prayers never die. They are cumulative. We can, in a real sense, restore these founding wells and release the water from that season … into our time.

Here’s our first prayer emphasis — a Kingdom covenant made in 1607 on the Atlantic shore of what would be the colony of Virginia.

We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.

Prayer focus from America’s Covenant

There is power in proclaiming the words of this covenant from 1607 out loud. Use the prayer focus points to expand and shape your prayers for America. Allow the Holy Spirit to pray via you and energize your prayers. Take your phone or tablet into your prayer closet or wherever you pray and call up this email. You can also download these emails to your device or print them.

🙏 Heavenly Father, we recommit America and ourselves to SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM across this land. Holy Spirit, empower us to fulfill Christ’s mission.

🙏 We pray for succeeding American generations to CARRY THE KINGDOM OF GOD TO EVERY CORNER OF THE EARTH.

🙏 By Your Spirit, may this COVENANT OF DEDICATION ENDURE THROUGH ALL GENERATIONS of Americans as long as the earth remains.

🙏 May America, and our Mother Country, England, be renewed and BECOME EVANGELISTS TO THE WORLD.

🙏 May those who come to this land JOIN US IN THIS COVENANT, and may those who oppose this covenant be overcome and scattered.

Thanks for agreeing in focused prayer! Together, we ignite 🔥 and point our “prayer arrows” in the same direction. We will hit the mark with others.

Look for these emails in your inbox each Wednesday.

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Brian Del Turco
[email protected]